Vi hos Danske Tursejlere gør meget mere end blot at tilbyde en billig ansvarsforsikring til dig og din båd.
Som en del af vores fælleskab får du adgang til mere end 300 turbøjer, du får sejlermagasinet Tursejleren 4 gange om året, du bliver inviteret med på vores sommertogter og meget mere. Herudover tilbyder vi foredrag, kurser og workshops for at hjælpe dig til at blive mere tryg på vandet – og så får du en lang række medlemsrabatter, der kan pifte dig, din båd og dit næste eventyr lidt op!
In addition to a wide range of membership benefits, we also work to make recreational boating an exciting and safe activity through a wide range of initiatives and key issues. We also represent our members' interests, for example in the Danish Maritime Safety Council, the Danish Outdoor Council, the Danish Maritime Authority, the European Boating Association, Nordbåt, Blue Flag jury etc.
Danske Tursejleres has a partnership agreement with Dansk Sejlunion and the Association of Marinas in Denmark (FLID). Among other things, this means that we as sailors work together to create the best conditions at the harbor and on the water.
We just want to spread the word about the joy of sailing and are therefore working to make it easier and more attractive for you as a sailor to get on the water. And of course, we're available to help both new and experienced sailors with relevant information and answers to your questions. In short - we work for you!
Want to see more videos about Danish Tour Sailors?
Check out the Danish Tour Sailors YouTube channel
Need a little help learning all the different knots and connectors?
Watch our knots and connectors videos here
We are of course always ready to answer questions by phone or email: 70 21 42 42 /