

The internet is a goldmine when you're looking for information. For example, if you search on Google under "links for sailors", you will get 57,500 hits from Denmark alone. Most of them are purely commercial links.
Therefore, we will concentrate on useful links to institutions involved in maritime sports. We also provide links to DT's partners. Finally, we provide links to Danish, Norwegian and Swedish boat magazines, where there is a lot of relevant information to be found.

Links to Danske Tursejleres member clubs

Weather information from the Danish Waterways Service
Danish Meteorological Institute
Danish Museum of Pleasure Boating
The Danish Geodata Agency
Danish Maritime Authority
Danish Maritime Safety Council
The Danish Navy
Stay safe at sea
The Danish Waterways Agency

Sailing organizations:
Danish Sailing Union
Foreningen Til Langtursejladsens Fremmeens
Royal Danish Yacht Club
Proficiency certificate (test yourself)
Harbor guide
FLID harbors

Sailing apps:

Tour sailor app:
Google Play
App Store

SejlSikkert Alarm:
Google Play
App Store

Google Play
App Store

Google Play
App Store

Google Play
App Store

Gas exchanges:
sailmore.net - voyages to Denmark and abroad

Boat magazine:
Sailor's Marina Guide
Powerboat News
My Boat
Small boat news
The Boat Magazine
Sailing Magazine
Boating News
Boating Life
We Boat Owners

Educational blogs:

DT's partners:
Association of Marinas in Denmark (FLID)
Kreuzer Yacht Club Deutschland e. V.
The Danish Outdoor Council

Member offers:
AP Motor and Marine Center
Copenhagen Sailing School

Insurance scheme:

Søassurancen Ærø

Private tour links:
Towards new horizons with Lady Bird
Get inspiration for this summer's journeys
The Bavaria Club
Cruise 2008 to Russia