

Summer cruise

Summer cruises with Danske Tursejlere

As a member of Danske Tursejlere, you can join our annual summer cruises for free. Every year we plan new trips to different destinations, and the trips usually take place both in Denmark and abroad. The trips are for everyone, both sailboats and motorboats, and every year we try to create different types of summer trips that match different wishes and needs:

Summer cruises for everyone - no requirements or restrictions for participation
Kids cruises - for those with children or grandchildren
Singles cruises - for those who are alone and need either a guest or boat

If you are not already a member of Danske Tursejlere, you can become one here

Summer cruises 2024

Summer cruises offer something for everyone. Below you can see the summer cruises held in 2024. Registration for this year's summer cruises is closed, but you can follow this page until next year when we announce new cruises. You can sign up via a form that will be available in spring 2025. If you have any questions about the expeditions, you can always call us at 70214242 or write an email to info@dansketursejlere.dk.

Family trip to Flensburg Fjord and Slien

If you like beautiful fjords and cozy get-togethers, then this family trip is for you. During the 14 days of the tour, a wonderful bouquet of experiences and activities are planned, where exciting lectures, guided tours, culinary and musical experiences and socializing go hand in hand.

Date: 8 July - 22 July 2024
Duration: 14 days
Meeting point: Haderslev Sejlklub
Preliminary route: Haderslev, Årøsund, Als Sund, Flensburg Fjord, Slien, Sønderborg
Trip leaders:
Ivan Vestergaard and Kjeld Bruun

Aarhus Bay and Samsø

There's no doubt that many varied experiences await you on this trip around Aarhus Bay. The area is one of our most scenic, where coves and peninsulas meander and curl with plenty of lagoons. There are plans for communal meals, excursions to local sights and attractions as needed.

Date: June 30 - July 11, 2024
Duration: 11 days
Meeting point
: Hou Harbour
Preliminary route:
Hou, Nappedam, Aarhus, Maritime Islands, Ebeltoft, Langør, Ballen
Tour leader:
Erik Sjerslev Rasmussen

Children's cruise - Roskilde/Isefjord

Around Zealand on the inside with the kids in focus. The many locations in the two fjords are well worth a visit when the theme of the trip is play and fun for children. Everywhere there is something for children, but even though it's the children's turn, there are of course plenty of joint activities for the adults too.

Date: July 15 - July 26, 2024
Duration: 11 days
Meeting point
: Nykøbing Sj.
Preliminary route:
Nykøbing Sj., Holbæk, Nordhammer, Kikhavn, Lundby, Roskilde, Frederikssund, Frederiksværk
Tour leader:
Nicolas Munk-Rechnitzer

Single cruise - Øresund

Last year we organized our first summer cruise for singles, which was a great success. Bring a guest on board your own boat or take a seat on a single sailor's boat. There will be socializing and shared activities, giving you time and opportunity to get to know each other.

Date: June 21 - June 30, 2024
Duration: 7 days
Meeting point
: Vallensbæk
Preliminary route:
Vallensbæk, Malmö, Flakfortet, Helsingborg, Höganäs, Gilleleje, Hven, Vallensbæk
Tour leader:
Søren Julegaard

Sign up for a summer cruise here

Contact the secretariat via the form below to request a place on one of this year's expeditions. Please note that you are not registered for a cruise until you have received a confirmation email from the secretariat. Registration for 2024 is closed.

Safety in the community

You don't have to be an experienced sailor to join the summer cruises. It is precisely in the community that the cruises have their strength, and many beginners have joined to try their hand at longer trips. It's reassuring to know that there are others nearby who are ready with good advice and a helping hand, and who you can join if you feel like it.

The sailing trip itself is an experience in itself. You get to travel far and wide, see a wide variety of nature and of course try out sailing in varying conditions. Some expeditions have included canal sailing in Sweden, others crossing the Baltic Sea. Of course, the weather is also an important factor that the group deals with along the way.

Different train leaders

Each summer cruise has a volunteer cruise leader who has planned the trip in advance whenever possible. The cruise leader plans the sailing route, activities and excursions, but often delegates tasks to the participants. The skipper is also responsible for contact with the ports of call and much more. Skippers' meetings are held as needed to plan the next leg and share other important information.

How many joint activities there are on a summer cruise depends a lot on the cruise leader and the possibilities on the route. On some summer cruises, participants have enjoyed sharing the vast majority of experiences and sights, while on other cruises, some days participants have preferred to explore on their own. This is another advantage of summer cruises - you can go to and from the activities as you please.

Especially about single journeys

In 2023, we organized our first singles cruise in collaboration with sejlerdating.dk, which was a great success and something that single sailors had long been asking for. Many single sailors have the boat but lack the guests, while others lack the boat. That's why this is the only one of our summer cruises where you don't necessarily need a boat to join. When you sign up, you indicate whether you have your own boat and have room for guests, or if you need a place on a boat. If you have your own boat, it is a requirement that guests can get a closed cabin. The secretariat will then carefully match guests and boats. On these trips, it is the community that takes center stage, and if love strikes, it is just a plus, but not the purpose of the trips.

Become a tour leader

Would you like to try the role of a trip leader and make a big difference by leading and inspiring other sailors to exciting adventures on the water? And if you have an idea of where your trip could go, please write to us at info@dansketursejlere.dk or call 70214242.

Below you can see atmospheric images from the summer tours over the years.