

Fotokonkurrence – 2025

Sailing is a wonderful and adventurous lifestyle and we want to celebrate this with an annual photo competition. So don't forget your camera when you go sailing! If you capture an atmospheric photo, submit it to our photo competition. It runs for the rest of the year and you can win great prizes from Palby Marine.

See how to join here

The competition runs throughout the year

The following must be met in order to participate:

  • The motive must be sailing related
  • Images must be at least 1 MB in size and in jpg format
  • You can send max 5 images
  • All images must be sent to info@dansketursejlere.dk to be considered - write 'Photo Contest' in the subject line
  • Write a little about what's happening in the photo, where and when it was taken
  • Remember to write your contact details

Danske Tursejlere reserves the right to use the submitted photos. You can submit photos to the 2024 competition throughout the year.

Port of the Year - 2024

Have you had a great experience at the port during the year? Is there a port you would particularly like to highlight for its location, service, environment, atmosphere, child-friendliness or something else positive? Then join Danske Tursejleres' competition to choose the Port of the Year.

Voting for Port of the Year 2024 is closed.

Photo competition - 2024

Sejlads er en skøn og oplevelsesrig livsstil og det ønsker vi at fejre med en årlig fotokonkurrence. Så husk nu kameraet, når du skal ud at sejle! Fanger du et godt stemningsbillede, så send det ind til vores fotokonkurrence. Den løber resten af året, og du kan vinde lækre præmier.

Port of the Year - 2023

Have you had a great experience at the port during the year? Is there a port you would particularly like to highlight for its location, service, environment, atmosphere, child-friendliness or something else positive? Then join Danske Tursejleres' competition to choose the Port of the Year. You will also participate in the competition for great prizes sponsored by Palby Marine.

Turbøje competition - 2024

IT'S TURBO BUOY RACING TIME! How many turbo buoys can you reach over the summer? Shall we put it to the test?
In addition to the honor of being this year's buoy racer, you have the chance to win the ultimate package for a great buoy stay.

Life and Happiness Day Loop - 2024

If you're tempted to head to Dageløkke Harbor this summer and participate in the festival, you now have a unique opportunity. You can enter our competition with the chance to win 2 festival tickets + harbor berth for 2 days for a total value of: DKK 3,260.

Show us your boat - 2023

Sailors are often very creative and have their hands full. They are inventive when it comes to making life on board easier, safer, practical or just super cozy. That's why we want to hear your ideas for a smart invention or customization in the boat, a unique and exciting interior design or style. Then you can help inspire other boaters with your creativity - and win great prizes!

DT logo competition - 2022

With this year's first issue of Tursejleren, we have enclosed a beautiful sticker with the Danish Touring Sailors' logo. You can attach the badge to your boat to help increase our visibility and impact. If you send us a photo of the badge on your boat, you will be entered into our logo competition where you can win a pair of binoculars.

Read more about it

The competition ran until July 2022

By putting the sticker on your boat, you help spread the positive message to more sailors who may want to join our sailing community and support our causes.

Danske Tursejlere works for:

  • Elimination of state tax on yacht insurance
  • Free access to inland Danish waters
  • Sensible and understandable legislation
  • Uniform announcements
  • Sensible marking in the inner Danish waters

If you want to join the competition and support our sailing community, put the logo on your boat, take a picture and send it to info@dansketursejlere.dk with your name and membership number. 

Make a spiced schnapps

Many of us sailors enjoy nature on our sailing trips, and in recent years it has become increasingly popular to use nature to collect herbs, seaweed, mussels and more for food - and not least for a delicious homemade schnapps. And now you can take part in an exciting competition to deliver the best spiced schnapps and the story behind it.

Read more about it

The competition runs until the end of the year - 2022

Maybe you're the one with the recipe for a great spiced schnapps? And maybe a nice story about where you find the berries, fruits or herbs that give a refined taste to your drink.

Share it with Danske Tursejleres members and enter the competition for great prizes:

  • Send us your best recipe for a spiced schnapps to info@dansketursejlere.dk
  • Tell us where you found the herbs
  • Tell a special story related to the schnapps or the collection of the ingredients

A panel of experts from Danske Tursejlere, headed by chief judge Elise Søby, will judge the stories and recipes and recommend the best three for testing. After a similar brewing process, the schnapps will be tasted and a winner will be chosen.