
Insurance for sailboats and motorboats

With boat insurance through Danske Tursejlere you are in safe hands. We are an agent for Søassurancen Danmark and can therefore offer our members very attractive insurance for sailboats and motorboats. Unlike other insurance companies, with Danske Tursejlere you get much more than just insurance - you get access to 300 touring buoys, a sailing magazine and many more member benefits.

Liability insurance

Your membership of Danske Tursejlere generally includes "Sejlerforsikring Ansvar". This boat insurance covers any damage for which you can be held liable. It does not cover damage you cause to your own boat. The liability insurance and membership of Danske Tursejlere costs DKK 480,-* for individual members and DKK 430,-* if you are a member of a sailing club. Both amounts include contributions to the statutory guarantee fund*.

*Speed surcharges may apply

* When your boat requires a speedboat certificate, one of the following fees will be charged in addition to the membership and insurance to Danske Tursejlere.

  • If your boat can sail up to 20 knots, a speed surcharge of DKK 200 per year will apply.
  • If your boat can sail up to 21-30 knots, a speed surcharge of DKK 400 per year will apply.
  • If your boat can sail up to 31-45 knots, a speed surcharge of DKK 800 per year will apply.
*Read about the guarantee fund

*The contribution to the guarantee fund is a consequence of the establishment of the "Guarantee Fund for uninsured or unknown vessels under 15 meters", and amounts to DKK 50,-.

After the Danish Parliament on 15 May 2018 has adopted the new law on statutory liability insurance for certain vessels (L 175), a vessel surcharge may be charged if the vessel is covered by this legislation. Lloyds is a member of the statutory guarantee fund.

Comprehensive insurance

If someone else causes damage to your boat, their liability insurance will cover the damage. But if they don't have boat insurance and you don't have comprehensive insurance, you'll have to pay out of your own pocket. With comprehensive insurance with Danske Tursejlere, you can protect yourself against this.

In addition, comprehensive insurance covers a wide range of damages such as collisions, fire, vandalism, theft and damage caused by natural disasters such as storms and lightning.

At Danske Tursejlere, our comprehensive insurance is available in 3 different packages: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Read more about what each covers here.

Trolling insurance

In collaboration with Søassurancen Danmark and our member clubs, Danske Tursejlere has developed hull insurance specially adapted to the needs of trolling boats and other small boats. We offer this boat insurance exclusively to members of our clubs.

Kasko Sejlerforsikring Trolling - read the insurance conditions

Compare insurance policies

  • We insure boats with a gross tonnage up to 20 GRT.
  • Membership and liability insurance follow the calendar year, i.e. are due at the end of each year.
  • Remember to update and adjust your information if you get a new boat, change address or similar.

Call us at 70214242 for any changes or write an email to info@dansketursejlere.dk.